Protocol means "an official standard for handling given situations." As embedded developers, when we hear the word "protocol," we most often think of a communication protocol, or a set of rules by which devices communicate with each other. Communication protocols are ubiquitous, from the low-level ones within a PCB (I2C, SPI, UART) to network protocols (TCP, UDP) to high-level ones (JSON-RPC). In this article, we will show you how to add support for our own protocol to Wireshark - we will write a plugin in Lua, which will be used to decode message frames. Get to it!
In the work of an embedded programmer, more than once we create our own protocols, then implement them, only to later spend many hours looking for why the communication does not work. Debugging inter-device communication is a constant part of our work, so it's worth using tools that make this job easier.
While at the lowest level a logic state analyzer is often enough, at higher values and with more complex communications it is worth reaching for other tools. One of the best tools for analyzing network protocols is Wireshark. We usually associate it with analyzing TCP/IP network traffic, but in practice we can also use its advanced interface to analyze other protocols, including our own protocols.
In this article, we will show how to add support for our own protocol to Wireshark - we will write a plugin in Lua that will be used to decode message frames. Get to it!
Sample protocol
// excom proto - EXample COMmunication Protocol
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define __packed __attribute__((__packed__))
enum RequestType {
REQ_LED = 2,
typedef struct {
uint32_t text_length;
char text[];
} __packed display_request_t;
typedef struct {
uint16_t id;
bool state;
} __packed led_request_t;
typedef union {
display_request_t display;
led_request_t led;
} __packed request_data_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t id;
uint8_t type;
request_data_t data;
} __packed request_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t id;
bool status;
} __packed response_t;
#define REQUEST_BASE_SIZE (sizeof(request_t) - sizeof(request_data_t))
Assume that the communication is between two devices:
- client - sends request_t and expects response_t;
- server - expects request_t, processes the request and sends back the response_t;
- display_request_t - display text on the display;
- led_request_t - change of state of the diode;
Test application
While we could implement our protocol on real devices, for the purpose of this article we will simulate it on a PC. In this article, we will use the TCP protocol as the transport layer (OSI model) for our excom protocol (application layer). This will greatly simplify testing our protocol in Wireshark at first. In the next article, we will show how to easily modify our solution to omit TCP or use another lower layer protocol.
- excom_client.c
- sends another display_request_t with the text snprintf(..., "Hello world %zu!", i) until a response_t with status true is received
- then sends a series of led_request_t for id in the range [0, 42)
- excom_server.c
- in loop reads request_t and sends response_t, response_t.status sets to true only in every 42 packets
A link to the full code is available from the sources [1].
# Terminal 1
socat -x TCP-LISTEN:9000,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:./excom_server.elf
# Terminal 2
socat -x TCP:localhost:9000 EXEC:./excom_client.elf

$ socat -x TCP-LISTEN:9000,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:./excom_server.elf
> 2024/04/22 11:09:37.000217666 length=23 from=0 to=22
01 00 00 00 01 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 20 30 21
< 2024/04/22 11:09:37.000217760 length=5 from=0 to=4
01 00 00 00 00
> 2024/04/22 11:09:37.000217877 length=23 from=23 to=45
02 00 00 00 01 0e 00 00 00 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 20 31 21
< 2024/04/22 11:09:37.000217934 length=5 from=5 to=9
02 00 00 00 00
First steps with Wireshark
With the environment prepared, we can launch Wireshark to eavesdrop on the communication between the excom_server.c
a excom_client.c

Protocol Dissector
Wireshark uses so-called dissectors to analyze received packets. The dissector parses the data according to a given protocol, after which it can pass some of the data to dissectors of other protocols. While Wireshark has built-in support for most popular protocols, it certainly doesn't know about ours yet. Fortunately, it is possible to add your own dissectors as "plugins" to Wireshark. We can define such a plugin in the Lua scripting language and load it dynamically at Wireshark startup.
Lua is a lightweight scripting language designed to be embedded in other programs. The language itself offers great possibilities, despite its simple syntax, only 8 data types and a few quirks (indexing from 1!). If you haven't encountered it before, for our purposes, it's enough to familiarize yourself with Learn Lua in Y minutes [3] without sections 3.1 and 4. More detailed information can be found on the official website [4].
wireshark -X lua_script:excom_protocol.lua -k -i lo -f 'port 9000'
To begin with, let's define the initial implementation of the dissector:
-- Our protocol object
excom_proto = Proto('excom-proto', 'EXample COMmunication protocol')
-- Helper function for ProtoField names
local function field(field_name)
return string.format('%s.%s',, field_name)
-- RequestType enum
local request_type = {
REQ_LED = 2,
-- Mapping of RequestType value to name
local request_type_names = {}
for name, value in pairs(request_type) do
request_type_names[value] = name
-- Define field types available in our protocol, as a table to easily reference them later
local fields = {
id = ProtoField.uint32(field('id'), 'Request ID', base.DEC),
-- request_t
type = ProtoField.uint8(field('type'), 'Request type', base.HEX, request_type_names),
-- response_t
status = ProtoField.bool(field('status'), 'Response status'),
-- Add all the types to Proto.fields list
for _, proto_field in pairs(fields) do
table.insert(excom_proto.fields, proto_field)
-- Dissector callback, called for each packet
excom_proto.dissector = function(buf, pinfo, root)
-- arguments:
-- buf: packet's buffer (
-- pinfo: packet information (
-- root: node of packet details tree (
-- Set name of the protocol
-- Add new tree node for our protocol details
local tree = root:add(excom_proto, buf())
-- Extract message ID, this is the same for request_t and response_t
-- `id` is of type uint32_t, so get a sub-slice: buf(offset=0, length=4)
local id_buf = buf(0, 4)
tree:add_le(, id_buf)
-- request_t
local type_data = buf(4, 1)
tree:add_le(fields.type, type_data)
-- Register our protocol to be automatically used for traffic on port 9000
local tcp_port = DissectorTable.get('tcp.port')
tcp_port:add(9000, excom_proto)
Wireshark loads the API definitions that will be available as global variables before loading our file. A description of the available API can be found on Wireshark's official Lua API Reference Manual page [5].
# Terminal 1
wireshark -X lua_script:excom_protocol.lua -k -i lo -f 'port 9000'
# Terminal 2
socat -x TCP-LISTEN:9000,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:./excom_server.elf
# Terminal 3
socat -x TCP:localhost:9000 EXEC:./excom_client.elf

Success! We are now able to decode the fields of our protocol, now it's time to add the rest of the logic.
Full code available below in sources [6].
Decoding responses
local server_port = 9000
excom_proto.dissector = function(buf, pinfo, root)
local tree = root:add(excom_proto, buf())
local id_buf = buf(0, 4)
tree:add_le(, id_buf)
if pinfo.dst_port == 9000 then
-- request_t
local type_data = buf(4, 1)
tree:add_le(fields.type, type_data)
-- response_t
tree:add_le(fields.status, buf(4, 1))
local fields = {
id = ProtoField.uint32(field('id'), 'Request ID', base.DEC),
-- request_t
type = ProtoField.uint8(field('type'), 'Request type', base.HEX, request_type_names),
-- response_t
status = ProtoField.bool(field('status'), 'Response status'),
-- display_request_t
display_text_length = ProtoField.uint32(field('display.text_length'), 'Text length', base.DEC),
display_text = ProtoField.string(field('display.text'), 'Text', base.ASCII),
-- led_request_t
led_id = ProtoField.uint16(field(''), 'LED ID', base.DEC),
led_state = ProtoField.bool(field('led.state'), 'LED state'),
excom_proto.dissector = function(buf, pinfo, root)
local tree = root:add(excom_proto, buf())
local id_buf = buf(0, 4)
tree:add_le(, id_buf)
if pinfo.dst_port == server_port then
-- request_t
local type_data = buf(4, 1)
tree:add_le(fields.type, type_data)
-- request_data_t depending on the `type` field
local type = type_data:le_uint()
if type == request_type.REQ_DISPLAY then
-- display_request_t
local len_buf = buf(5, 4)
tree:add_le(fields.display_text_length, len_buf)
tree:add_le(fields.display_text, buf(9, len_buf:le_uint()))
elseif type == request_type.REQ_LED then
-- led_request_t
tree:add_le(fields.led_id, buf(5, 2))
tree:add_le(fields.led_state, buf(7, 1))
-- response_t
tree:add_le(fields.status, buf(4, 1))

Full code available below from sources [7].
Request-response pairing
local fields = {
-- (...)
-- special fields to provide information about matching request/response
request = ProtoField.framenum(field('request'), 'Request', base.NONE, frametype.REQUEST),
response = ProtoField.framenum(field('response'), 'Response', base.NONE, frametype.RESPONSE),
-- Mappings of request/response ID to frame numbers
local id2frame = {
request = {}, -- request id -> request frame number
response = {}, -- response id -> response frame number
excom_proto.dissector = function(buf, pinfo, root)
local tree = root:add(excom_proto, buf())
local id_buf = buf(0, 4)
tree:add_le(, id_buf)
local id = id_buf:uint()
if pinfo.dst_port == server_port then
--- (...)
-- On first dissection run (pinfo.visited=false) store mapping from request id to frame number
if not pinfo.visited then
id2frame.request[id_buf:uint()] = pinfo.number
-- If possible add information about matching response
if id2frame.response[id] then
tree:add_le(fields.response, id2frame.response[id])
--- (...)
if not pinfo.visited then
id2frame.response[id_buf:uint()] = pinfo.number
if id2frame.request[id] then
tree:add_le(fields.request, id2frame.request[id])

Full code available below from sources [8].
TCP packet assembly
# Terminal 1
wireshark -X lua_script:excom_protocol.lua -k -i lo -f 'port 9000'
# Terminal 2
socat -x TCP-LISTEN:9000,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:./excom_server.elf
# Terminal 3
socat -x TCP:localhost:9000 EXEC:./excom_spam_client.elf
Correct dissection using TCP requires us to perform the so-called "TCP Reassembly". We can find details on what to pay attention to on the Wireshark wiki [9].
-- Helper function for taking message data from buffer and configuring pinfo in case we need more data
local function msg_consumer(buf, pinfo)
local obj = {
msg_offset = 0, -- offset in buf to start of the current message
msg_taken = 0, -- number of bytes consumed from current message
not_enough = false,
obj.next_msg = function()
obj.msg_offset = obj.msg_offset + obj.msg_taken
obj.msg_taken = 0
obj.take_next = function(n)
if obj.not_enough then -- subsequent calls
-- If not enough data in the buffer then wait for next packet with correct offset
if buf:len() - (obj.msg_offset + obj.msg_taken) < n then
pinfo.desegment_offset = obj.msg_offset
pinfo.desegment_len = DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT
obj.not_enough = true
local data = buf:range(obj.msg_offset + obj.msg_taken, n)
obj.msg_taken = obj.msg_taken + n
return data
obj.current_msg_buf = function()
return buf:range(obj.msg_offset, obj.msg_taken)
return obj
Now we can modify the dissector so that it parses all the messages found in the buffer, and when there is no data, it aborts and waits for more. In addition, we delay adding our protocol nodes to the tree so that "partial" messages are not added. The modified dissector code looks like this:
excom_proto.dissector = function(buf, pinfo, root)
-- Construct TCP reassembly helper
local consumer = msg_consumer(buf, pinfo)
-- TCP reasasembly - loop through all messages in the packet
while true do
-- Deferred adding of tree fields
local tree_add = {}
-- Extract request/response ID
local id_buf = consumer.take_next(4)
if not id_buf then
return -- not enough data, take_next has configured pinfo to request more data
table.insert(tree_add, {, id_buf})
local id = id_buf:uint()
-- Distinguish request/response
if pinfo.dst_port == server_port then
-- request_t
local type_buf = consumer.take_next(1)
if not type_buf then
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.type, type_buf})
-- request_data_t depending on the `type` field
local type = type_buf:le_uint()
if type == request_type.REQ_DISPLAY then
-- display_request_t
local len_buf = consumer.take_next(4)
local text_buf = len_buf and consumer.take_next(len_buf:le_uint())
if not text_buf then
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.display_text_length, len_buf})
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.display_text, text_buf})
elseif type == request_type.REQ_LED then
-- led_request_t
local id_buf = consumer.take_next(2)
local state_buf = consumer.take_next(1)
if not state_buf then
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.led_id, id_buf})
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.led_state, state_buf})
-- On first dissection run (pinfo.visited=false) store mapping from request id to frame number
if not pinfo.visited then
id2frame.request[id_buf:uint()] = pinfo.number
-- If possible add information about matching response
if id2frame.response[id] then
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.response, id2frame.response[id]})
-- response_t
local status_buf = consumer.take_next(1)
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.status, status_buf})
if not pinfo.visited then
id2frame.response[id_buf:uint()] = pinfo.number
if id2frame.request[id] then
table.insert(tree_add, {fields.request, id2frame.request[id]})
-- Add tree node for this message only if we reached this place
local tree = root:add(excom_proto, consumer.current_msg_buf())
for _, to_add in ipairs(tree_add) do
tree:add_le(to_add[1], to_add[2])
After using it to eavesdrop on messages sent by the excom_spam_client.c
we should see:

In this article, we showed how to add support for a custom protocol to Wireshark - as you can see, this is not a difficult task. Although we did it on an example simple protocol, the same idea remains the same with much more complicated protocols. In the next section we will see how to use our solution bypassing TCP, how to parse nested protocols, and how to use Google's Protobuf built-in decoder in Wireshark.
[1] GoodByte Github - proto dissector vol1:
[2] WIreshark, installation:
[3] Learn Lua in Y minutes:
[4] Lua official site:
[5] Wireshark's Lua API Manual:
[6] GoodByte Github - proto dissector vol2:
[7] GoodByte Github - proto dissector vo3:
[8] GoodByte Github - proto dissector vo4:
[9] Wireshark wiki:
[10] GoodByte Github - proto dissector vol5: